FAQ: Han Hyo Joo

Does Spring Waltz have a part 2?

Admin: unfortunately no, coz Spring Waltz is the 4th part of Yoon's TV series "Endless Love"

Endless Love

  • Part 1: Autumn in my Heart
  • Part 2: Winter Sonata
  • Part 3: Summer Scent
  • Part 4: Spring Waltz


is Seo Do Young your boyfriend?

HHJ: no, he's not my boyfriend and he has never been. We're just good friends, the media has been exaggerating the rumors about me having a secret boyfriend. I'm totally single but I'm not finding one...(laughs)


Will Spring Waltz be televised in Eastern countries?

Admin: as of now KBS doesn't have any announcements on having any of Yoon's TV series to be viewed in Eastern countries


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The webmistress and the right hand of Fantom Entertainment for taking care of this website.

"Well, she's a very good friend of mine (레슬리). She updates and takes care of my website when I have tapings, guesting or in a regular day that I'm busy" - Han Hyo Joo



"well she's a very good friend of mine (레슬리). She updates and takes care of my website when I have tapings, guesting or in a regular day that I'm busy" - Han Hyo Joo


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